Saturday, June 12, 2010


I've blogged a lot over the last ten years and have alluded that I don't particularly blog what I really think, mainly because there have to be many filters on our thoughts, a concept introduced to me by a very good friend of mine who died in 2001.

The concept of filtering has to be addressed and I believe we all do it. I have a friend who has a "situation" and a close relative who has a similar "situation" and my reaction to both is the same, quiet support, but in reality, I don't agree with what's going on in their worlds.

I will not alienate, or take sides against them, so a major filter is applied to nod and acquiesce to their situation, I don't want to make matters worse by taking a contrary position against their actions and risk losing a friendship that perhaps could not be fixed in a lifetime.

If I was true to myself I should respond truthfully, however, that's not going to happen and I have to bite my tongue and watch the inevitable pair of trainwrecks happen.