Saturday, June 12, 2010

Darn Adverts

Facebook has been irritating me more in the last month or so, they are fiddling and changing things that means that more chaff ends up as "top news" on my main page. I suddenly find that I am "friends" with Peter Gabriel and Queensryche and many other groups and topics that were part of my original "about me" profile.

The group of original friends, maybe a dozen, has grown fivefold and quite a few of the less focused buddies play poker or farmville or something else that needs to inform me of their every achievement so I find myself being elbowed out of the so called social network by information about nothing.


The same is true with other "free" websites, even Youtube is becoming a vehicle to inform me of nothing in particular as commerce and "value added" features, such as advertising, finds its way onto my screen real estate.

Even the user agreement at wordpress, which was my fledgling blog, alluded to the potential for the slipping in of crap, I only found out by logging on to that blog without ownership, perhaps blogger is the same.

Although of course, this blog is usually information about nothing, so more would be icing on the nothing cake, so I apologise to any of the invisible readers out there for this pollution ;)