Saturday, September 5, 2009

Last Gasp

October 22nd, 2007

It was in the last days at Dowty in September that the nice lady from Human Resources wanted input for the magazine, she did not realise (or care) that I was serving the last few days of my notice, so I gave it a shot.

A test guy, Andy, had managed to hoodwink these people once, his lucky "mascot" called "Stretch the Chicken" was shown to the intern, a simple rubber chicken that apparently never left his pocket during important tests and he always gave it a quick "pull" for good luck.

The piece of comedic brilliance ended up in the company magazine, complete with a photograph of the chicken.

The lady took me outside the factory and took a photo, she then asked me to write a paragraph for the magazine and I gave it my best veiled shot, nothing in comparison with Andy's masterpiece, but nevertheless, a month after I left, the following appeared in the 360 degrees newsletter :

Unfortunately, they edited it somewhat, the second paragraph in which I vented that management never listen anyway and should face a firing squad, was, for some reason, not published.