It's all go here, I mean, it's all going here.
I look in the mirror and I see an older version of myself, my friends look like they've been in a fight in a flour factory, or worse, they look like Lugosi in his later years.
Older, Wiser?
I dunno, feeling kinda liberated somewhat, I know what everyone is up to and need to speak out against it, sort of in my end of days costume, waiting for the icebergs to melt.
I have no medium like Al Gore, can't point out the obvious to anyone nowadays because I have no rep, no fulcrum or tiller, looking like a twinkle on a puddle, yet feeling like the first crack of light after an eclipse.
If it makes no sense to you, well, I do feel sorry, I cannot pass my point on to you, you'll just have to work it out for yourselves while I imbibe.
And imbibe I will.
Until the darkness falls.